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Item EG061004: For two ice cubes at the same temperature, the ice cube with the smaller mass has less thermal energy.

A student has two ice cubes. Ice Cube 1 and Ice Cube 2 are at the same temperature. The mass of Ice Cube 1 is greater than the mass of Ice Cube 2. 

Which ice cube has less thermal energy and why?

  1. Ice Cube 1 has less thermal energy because it has more cold than Ice Cube 2.
  2. Ice Cube 2 has less thermal energy because it has less mass than Ice Cube 1.
  3. Ice Cube 1 and Ice Cube 2 have the same amount of thermal energy because thermal energy does not depend on mass.
  4. Ice Cube 1 and Ice Cube 2 do not have any thermal energy because frozen things do not have thermal energy.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG061004
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 747 1901 39%
  6–8 330 773 43%
  9–12 269 783 34%
Primary Language

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