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Item EG032003: For two objects that are made out of the same material and are at the same temperature, the object that weighs less has less thermal energy.

Two objects are made of the same material, but Object 1 has less mass than Object 2. If the objects are at the same temperature, which object has less thermal energy and why?

  1. Object 1 has less thermal energy because it has less mass than Object 2.
  2. Object 2 has less thermal energy because it has more mass than Object 1.
  3. Object 1 and Object 2 have the same amount of thermal energy because they are at the same temperature.
  4. More information is needed to tell which object has less thermal energy.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG032003
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 476 1549 31%
  6–8 197 650 30%
  9–12 168 591 28%
Primary Language

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